Environmental & Geotechnical Consultancy for Building Projects

Property & Buildings

Douglas Partners provides integrated Geotechnical, Environmental and Groundwater solutions for your property and building projects across Australia.

Tools and services provided by Douglas Partners to the property and building industry include:

Geotechnical investigation and design services:

Geotechnical assessments that maximise data and information outcomes and minimise costs for clients.
Foundation design - shallow footings, slabs, driven and bored piles, pile test review.
Retaining structure design - gravity walls, anchored, propped or cantilevered walls, reinforced soil walls.
Earthworks, embankments, slopes and excavations.
Earthworks control - productivity assessments.
Tunnels, declines, drifts including recommendations on excavation and support methods, i.e. tunnel boring machine, road header, drill and blast, cuttability assessment, and geotechnical supervision.
Pavements - flexible and rigid.
Assessments for foundations for field compressor stations.

Construction monitoring, inspections, testing and advice including:

Bored pile / pier inspections.
Settlement, lateral displacement and vibration assessment and monitoring.
Slope movement assessment.
Field testing of foundation soils and slope stabilisation.
Tunnel face mapping, support requirements and geotechnical supervision of excavations.