New Starters Induction and Graduate Development Program at Douglas Partners

Empowering New Talent for Success

We recently convened our Annual New Starter Induction Day at the Women’s College of Sydney University. This event serves as a pivotal platform for our people from across Australia to gather, exchange insights and delve into our organisational culture, understanding what sets us apart and fuels our success.

The day featured an array of informative sessions, including workshops that provided participants with a taste of the diverse learning opportunities available with us, including modules from our Graduate Development Program running simultaneously to the main event.

Douglas Partners Our new Starters Induction and Graduate Development Programs
Douglas Partners Graduate Development Programs
Graduate Development Program Overview

Our Graduate Development Program is designed to accommodate individuals at various stages of their professional journey whilst keeping flexibility at the forefront, hence the program can start anytime.

  1. Three Stages: The program contains three phases, which collectively is equivalent to three years, however, we recognise that learning is personal and therefore timelines can vary.
  2. Diverse Course Offerings: With over 14 courses, our program covers a wide range of topics. Elective courses allow graduates to align their learning with specific interests and areas of study. Examples of our courses include:
    1. Soil and Rock Logging Course: A hands-on exploration of geotechnical fundamentals.
    2. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: underpinned by the renowned Franklin Covey program.
    3. Strengths Profile Assessments: Identifying one’s key strengths and talents to feel energised, increase engagement and achieve set goals..
    4. Project Management Course: The capstone of the program equips graduates to transition successfully to leading projects, by introducing them to the fundamentals of project management.
Douglas Partners Geotechnical Soil and Rock Logging Course
Douglas Partners Geotechnical Soil and Rock Logging Course
Fostering Holistic Understanding

 We actively encourage our graduates to explore different disciplines within our field, fostering a holistic understanding of our entire operations. Whether it’s geotechnical engineering, environmental science, groundwater or another specialty, hands-on experience not only makes for more seasoned professionals, but it also contributes to them  unearthing their niche.


Join Us on the Journey

If you are a recent graduate, our program is waiting for you. Discover your potential, connect with industry leaders and embark on a fulfilling career at Douglas Partners.

Learn more about our Graduate Development Program here.